On this page you will find some ways to overcome some common objections about Herbalife.
How to handle objections
1 - Educate to understand
After making your presentation it is time to know what your guests liked the most, where they will also have questions and objections.
How you respond is of paramount importance. The outcome of your presentation lies in this very moment.
One thing you must never do is react:
- With aggression as you would make them escape
- On the defensive as you seem insecure, sowing only doubts
You need to be confident and relaxed.
Their questions and objections only help you figure out which answer to give.
You will also learn to be a great listener.
Guests are divided into two categories:
- Those who have low self-confidence
- Those who know little about Network Marketing and we humans always fear what we do not know.
2 - The secret lies in empathy
The key to success is empathy. You make people identify with you because you looked with their eyes.
Imagine if I had to answer you:
" I know, look, I understand you very well because the same thing happened to me and I was asking myself the same questions. But here's what I did…. ".
In one way or another you already feel closer to me, we feel similar, we have something in common. Consequently, the beginning of a relationship, a contact, an approach, we are and we pull on the same side.
A principle of trust and openness, but above all you are more willing to listen to my advice or what I have to tell you.
So, let's get to the practice !!!
1) Those who have low self-confidence
The most common objections are, " I don't have the money", " I don't have time", " Not for me", " I'm not a salesman", " I don't know people", " I'm too young / old", " Not I have enough experience ", etc., ..
Respond using empathy by sharing your experiences.
When they tell me they don't have any money, I always tell my experience.
" I understand you very well because I've been there too and I was even struggling to pay the bills. But at that point I said to myself either I go on banging my head against the wall every month with the same problems or I start working hard to grow and change things. Here I am after three years, I wanted more from my life. I found a way and made up my mind. Let me ask you a question. If you really found a good opportunity for yourself, would you find a way to make it possible? "
90% of the answers are yes. You used their own objection, they see that you felt exactly the way they feel at that very moment. In that moment you are linked with the same goals. So take this concept that I explained to you and adapt it to the moment and make use of it.
2) Those who know little about Network Marketing and we humans always fear what we don't know
Let's start by listing the most common objections:
- It is a Multi Level
- It is a pyramid scheme
- This is Network Marketing
- I don't want to bother people I know
- How much do you earn
- … ..
Question 1 and question 2.
99% of those who ask this kind of questions do it because they know someone who has done network marketing without success and because they are rightly skeptical about easy money.
As there is some distrust, respond with an interested tone:
“ Oh! What happened? Have you already had a Network Marketing experience? "
If they say YES they will tell you about their negative experience by opening up, lowering their defenses and giving you a chance to ask more questions. In short, where there was closure now there is conversation.
Always remember that those who ask are in charge.
The conversation will continue like this:
- You : “What do you think is the reason for your failure? "
- They : " I thought that ...." "I didn't have time ..." "A friend of mine told me that ..." "I thought more people would register…. "Etc ...
- You : ” Do you think you have given him the right attention? "
- They : "No, not really"
- You : " Do you think the problem was Network Marketing or do you think that maybe the problem was that the time dedicated to it was not enough ? "
In 99% of cases, all respond on time. Did you notice that I did nothing but make him think. Now he's more willing to listen to me. I educated him.
On the objection of the pyramid scheme I simply always reply by saying that the pyramid scheme is illegal and I would never get involved in anything illegal.
If they answer NO, based on what they answer use the process of the first group.
Question 3. " This is Network Marketing "
You : “ Yeah, it's Network Marketing. What do you know about the subject? "
The answer you will receive will be one of those already dealt with. However, always ask questions until you reach the goal of educating to understand.
Question 4. " I don't want to bother people I know "
You : “ What makes you think you're going to annoy your friends? If I showed you how to share what we do without having a sales perception, would it help you? "
Question 5. " How much do you earn "
YOU: It doesn't matter how much I earn, you could earn even more than me.
A lot of practice, everything will be very simple but above all spontaneous and the results will be extraordinary. Teach your entire team to do the same and share.
3 - Help and make the correct decision
Making the right decision is very important. So with your experience and with this guide, help your candidate make his or her decision. A wrong decision always turns out to be a disaster because it wastes time for the candidate but especially for you.
Time is money.
So let's go over all the steps.
After your presentation we will proceed with the question:
1 - ” What did you like most ? "
Question with which all his positive points will come out and which he liked. With this answer you will be aware of the points on which you must go but also of the questions and objections that we have just seen. After having turned off all the possible growths of doubts we continue with a key question.
2- ” On an interest scale from 0 to 10, with one meaning that you have zero interest and 10 that you are ready to leave right now, where are you? "
All numbers from 1 upwards are fine. It means that in some way they have been hit and we have to get them to 10. From here we have to understand if they need any more introductions or if we can proceed with the next 3 closing questions.
3- ” Based on what you have just seen, if you were to start this type of business part-time, how much would you have to earn to make it worth it? ".
Never use phrases like "Do you want to earn 10,000 euros a month? "
4- ” How many hours a week and how many months would you be willing to commit to reach this figure?
5- ” If I showed you how you can reach (answer question 3) a month, working (answer question 4) hours a week for (answer question 4) months, would you be ready to go? "
In 99% of cases the answer is 'yes'. At that point show him your work plan and start the training.
Remember that in Network Marketing only what is duplicated matters. You have the winning system, follow, support and create your leaders who do the same. This is the only ingredient for creating groups of thousands of people.